
That's Just Me

There are so many things in life to complain or jabber about. I could make a mile long list of things that annoy/intrigue me. Then, I could turn around and tell you how I annoy myself.  I could blab on about a piece of literature or tell you my perspective on organ donation or even tell you about the tiny, insignificant details of my waking life. I suppose I could tell you what emotions I'm feeling or I might even be able to dig up the protocol for blogging. Maybe I could convince you that dark roast coffee beans are better flavored than light. Hmmm soo ...

... I was thinking, complaining/jabbering isn't that bad . Just as long as complaining doesn't become a daily habit. Jabbering. Hmm, well, that can be addicting too. Just try to keep it at a minimum, k?   

Here I sit, a little blank, a little blah with absolutely nothing to complain about. NOTHING! Ok, ok ... sure I could, but, I don't want to. You know? There are days! I had one of those days last week, but that's old news. So, what's the news today you ask? Hold on, I'm looking for it ... it's here in my notes *shuffling papers* ... hmmm, I know I seem to have stuffed away some things to complain about, some things that wildy aggravate me ... hmmm, no ... not here ... *drops all papers and watches them fly away with the wind* Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot you were waiting on me ... see, I'm a bit of a klutz and I'm terribly scatterbrained and do you ever get those little brown specs that float around in your line of vision? One just floated by on my left eye. Weird. Oh. Focus, Rebekah, focus. Yes, my news. Ok, here goes.I'm still searching ... give me ... yes, yes, I see it now ... the news for today is: Be thankful for everything! Remember to stop and smell the coffee ... or, um, roses! Whichever is your cup of tea! Remember to be happy that your body has air to breathe and that your mind can function so that you read these words. Oh, Rebekah, you're being facetious. No, blog-reader-person, I'm not! I mean that from the bottom of my soles to the tip top of my head. Don't forget what you have. Things can come and go right before your eyes. Savor life. Enjoy life. SMILE EVERYDAY. Fake it if you have to, what's wrong with that?! What could you possibly LOSE? I'm so thankful for my life. No one can quite know but ME. The same goes for you. Get everything you can from this 'vapor' that so quickly fades ... life.

So, see? I could have rambled on about something intelligent.  Now that I think about it, that would make me look pretty good. I do need to look good. Snap out of it, Rebekah!  What is life if you can't enjoy it? What is life if you can't savor your time alive? What is life if you're not LIVING it? Nothing. 

Your life, for the grand majority of it, is your choice. You choose where your life goes. Make the difference and get all you can out of it. Well, what about if you're stressed out? What if you're depressed? Or lonely? Take a happy pill. NO! It's only human to feel those emotions, but you've gotta pull yourself out of that deep hole and see what life is all about. No, I'm not talking about being irresponsible and foolish. I'm talking about making the best of something, this precious gift we've been given, called life. You only have one. That's just me though.


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