
Self encouragement and it's Mary time

I was digging through my old Xanga blog and found this little nugget I posted back in 2008. Take a seat, stay awhile ...

Martha belonged to Bethany, and was the sister of Lazarus and Mary (Jn 11:1).  Martha generally took the lead in action, it is inferred that she was the eider sister. Martha was one of those who gave hospitality to Jesus during His public ministry. Thus, in the course of those wanderings which began when "he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem" (Lk 9:51), he "entered into a certain village"--its name is not stated--and "a certain woman named Martha received him into her house" (Lk 10:38). Martha, whose sense of responsibility as hostess weighed heavily upon her, was "cumbered about much serving," and her indignation was aroused at the lack of assistance given to her by her sister. Her words, "Lord, dost thou not care?" implied a certain reproach to Jesus also, in that she felt He showed a want of sympathy with her efforts and was the cause of Mary’s remissness. But Jesus, in tones of gentle reproof, reminded her that for Him not the preparation of an elaborate meal but the hearing of His Word in the spirit of Mary was the "one thing needful" (Lk 10:39-42).

I’ve been thinking about Martha so much lately.  The above was found on a Biblical website that I was reading from. Martha was known as the industrious, work-a-holic, a people-pleaser, so to speak.  She did great things for Jesus.  She was probably one of those wonderful people, unlike myself, that can multi-task 50 jobs all at once. She was probably the worker bee that never stopped.  She thrived on perfection and making sure the job was done "just so".  I admire her because, being somewhat a perfectionist myself, I always want the job done ... well, perfect.  I feel like, if I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it all the way and beyond or I’m not giving my word. Period.  But, in the midst of all the effort and sweat, she got lost. Lost in herself. Shamefully, I admit that I’ve done this very thing. Becoming so cumbered with the idea that if things are not going as I plan, then I think... "Lord, dost thou not care?" Or, in our modern day vernacular, "Um, God ... don’t-you-see-how-much-work-I’ve-done-and-how-awesome-of-a- job-this-is-and-how-talented-I-am-and-all-the-time-I-spent-on-this-project-and-all- the-hrs-I-stayed-up-at-night-on-my-own-time-making-forms-and-nice-things- for-people-that-really-care-less-and-most-likely-will-leave-them-sitting-around-everywhere-to-be-thrown-away? God,-don’t-you-see-how-much-I’m-trying-to-please-You?"  Maybe I’m the only one that has felt this. Doubtful! But, I’m speaking to myself tonight. I shall call this my self-talk.  My conclusion is rather simple.  I want to be like Mary, instead.  Martha was so concerned and even angered, according to scripture, that God didn’t NOTICE her deeds. Many deeds she’d done, there’s no doubt.  Her attitude, however, did nothing for God.  She was not in it to truly be a servant. It was a duty to her. It had become something other than a sacrifice.  I get tired of being around people that have this attitude.  I also get tired of having to whip myself into shape from HAVING this very attitude.  I sincerely need God to help me become a Mary. 

She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me." But the Lord answered her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42)

God was simply trying to tell Martha (my interpretation): Look, girl. You have got to chill out! You can’t just be worried about all the things you’ve got to manage.  It’s not all about you. You have to look at what’s important. First, your attitude stinks and you need to be looking for ME and seek My Presence. 

Ok, that was a humbling and probably mortifying experience for Martha.  I feel like God has said the same to me. I can’t be so cumbered and vexed with my responsibilities that I can’t even feel Him when He speaks.  I can’t be so angered and angsty to finish a project if He’s not in it.  I don’t want to do anything or say a single word without Him first saying ... do it.  I love Him with all my heart and I need this story on my bathroom mirror!  It’s not really about getting the work DONE as much as it is focusing on the attitude it is done with and the will of God.  Our attitudes tell others a lot about our heart.  I don’t want my heart out of line with God. I don’t want to say or be something that can turn someone away from me that can later be an asset to me. So, self. You are officially on notice: It’s Mary time.

-Rebekah out


How to be a fighter

Lately I've been thinking about how many people struggle with mental battles. Everyday we face a battle as sure as we are breathing.  I took a nap and awoke from a really freaky dream -- I was even fighting in my sleep, good grief! I guess I should backtrack a little and give some background.

I have been on a new journey. A journey from saying I have faith to actually living my life in faith. I assure you, if you attempt this feat you will be fought daily. Mentally, spiritually, oh and did I mention mentally?  Many people struggle with mental battles. They just don't admit it. For whatever reason; maybe they don't realize it completely, maybe they're too proud to accept it or maybe they are so afraid that if they speak it that bad things will occur.  I've decided recently that instead of allowing or even acknowledging those thoughts that come or those little "voices" that aren't of God -- I refuse to be held captive. 

Now, let me just say real quickly, there is NO WAY I could do it by sheer will-power. As awesome as that would be and as strong as I think I may be, that's just futile. I wouldn't attempt it for a minute! The Bible says "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12 NLT) We and our minds are no match for that kind of warfare.  The battle is only for God to fight - in our place. 

I thought more about the "mind struggle" that many people face. If we could only wrap our minds around the fact that it's NOT our battle to fight.  The reason the enemy, the dark powers try to come against God's children is because they are fighting GOD himself! This whole fight is from the enemy towards God. God kicked his tail out of Heaven and he's still mad. Get it? We're just a channel for that evil power to wrestle with, to torment and to cause confusion and destruction. All because the devil hates God. That should make us so angry that we REFUSE to accept the challenge of the enemy. We should stand against and be bold against the thoughts that come to us and hinder our walk with God. 

I don't discount for one second some people have thoughts because of their troubled past.  I can resonate with that 100%. God knew what we would face before it happened. He knew what we'd encounter in life. Do you not think He knows our future? He has faced sorrow and torment far greater than we could ever comprehend. He suffered a grueling death on a cross - voluntarily. He knows torment. He's heard those taunts and the jabs of the enemy. He faced it for us and He is the master of that kind of warfare! 

His Word, the Holy Bible, is one of the greatest weapons He has given us!  Did you know that the enemy, Satan, talked to God, too? (Matthew 4) Yes! Satan tempted God at a very weak point. God was fasting for 40 days and nights when Satan tried tempting Him. Obviously, God won! Some of the most simple words God spoke were, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7 NIV. It has a unique formula. 
#1 Submit yourself to God 
#2 RESIST the devil 
#3 The devil will leave. 

I'm glad I have that promise from God! Submitting is not always easy, but it must be done. When we're submitted, God does the rest! Resisting won't be difficult when you're sold out to God. If you haven't made up your mind ... you might want to try out that formula!

So, why do I bring this up, you might ask? I wanted to share something I've recently done that has been helpful and has become more than I ever thought it would.  I got tired of hearing the devil tell me lies. I got tired of feeling like less of a person. I finally decided that enough was enough. I'm going to throw something in the face of any enemy that tries to block me. I'm a fighter. I don't give up easily. 

So, here it is ...

If you need encouragement, PRAY. 
Then, create a page of scriptures. 
I made a list of about 30 scriptures that are on the topic of victory. 
I read them everyday. 
I read them more than once a day. 
If I get a thought that is not of God, I read it. 
I read it LOUD and then I begin to thank God for His promises. 

I just wanted to share that with someone. If one person is blessed - that is my ultimate goal. 


Welcome home!

My very first blog post on Blogger! I don't really know for sure the amount of time I'll use to blog, but I wanted to give it a shot since I was somewhat "in the zone". 

Recently, I've taken a plunge. I wasn't fully intending it but it happened, regardless. For the sake of brevity, I won't offer much detail, but I will say that life has changed in a drastic way lately.  About 3 weeks ago I was "let go" from a job that supplied my husband and I half of our total income. Half. That's big. Try to imagine what would change for you if that were your circumstances. You might say, "Oh I couldn't imagine.", or, "There's no way we could make it." Instead, I felt a warm calm in my soul, in my innermost being. I knew it was the right thing at the right time. That doesn't change the fact that I was deeply betrayed. It doesn't change the fact that I was lied to brazenly and made to feel guilt for something I had not done. I accepted my fate with a peace that God gave me. It might be easy to say that it's "just a test" or a "valley experience" I have to face. That's fair to say. I only wish to show that God directed every move that was made and allowed everything to come about in the manner that it did, for my benefit. 

When we have peace in God, a simple knowing, that does not discount the fact that we're still human. We still have emotions and feelings that will rise up and overtake our lives.  Recently, I was spoken to with words of knowledge and wisdom that gave me the strength to realize what was to come. I can't get past the over-powering knowledge that there is a blessing far greater than my imaginings that is to come! I have felt it, over and over and I have already seen small things happening to only strengthen my faith that we are victorious! "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 NIV

As Christians, I hear many speak of the valleys and the lows and bad times (myself included). If our heart is set on the Word and our faith is anchored in HIM we will make it when things don't seem right. Our lives are ever-fading. The things that we think matter here on Earth are trivial. Yes, we have to have money. We have to have food. HELLO! We have a God that supplies all our NEEDS, what more could we want? What more could we ask for? He has never forsaken or left our side. To worry, to become disheartened are all natural instincts for us. Yet, my question is - If we worry, aren't we doubting God's ability in our lives? What is the point of this journey we walk if we cannot trust HIM during the very worst of times? There isn't a point if we can't trust. There is no substance to our relationship with God if we aren't giving Him our complete trust and KNOWING He is our provider. "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27 NIV


I'll see you on the flip flop!