
God is in the details

Well if the wild-fire-spread word hasn't reached you - we're moving to Beaumont! Surprised? Us too!

The beginning: We packed up everything we owned and traveled to the Great North (Dallas) about three years ago.  We'd talked and discussed how wonderful it would be to be in "the city". How fun and what a great adventure it would be! We were also excited about the great possibilities for my husband, being an accountant. I mean, he could be a CFO of a huge company, maybe start his own. We had plans. We left in haste, a hurricane had taken my job and we thought that was our ticket. Hind-sight is always 20/20. Always.

We always were involved in music ministry wherever we have been, that was also an exciting thing - to consider the possibilities.  We thought we'd land a great accounting job for him, have kids, slip into a great church and become music ministers at some point. [Side note: one of the main reasons for Brian getting his degree was so that when we eventually became full time music ministers, we wouldn't have to rely on the church to support us financially.  I think the days of ministering and working are quite rare, but we wanted to do that nonetheless.] Back to the surprise! Our plans. Ohhh our plans. We had great plans. We made some beautiful, elaborate plans. Well as you know, our plans are not always HIS plans. Our ways are definitely NOT His ways.  We just imagined living in a cute little neighborhood with some little Wallace's running around and life would be grand. It's amazing how your imagination can get carried away. :) We found ourselves in frustration many, many times. We cried. We prayed. We were confused. God, why isn't our plan happening? He didn't answer.

When we first arrived in Dallas, we traveled visiting around area churches (at least 20) testing the waters. We were asked to become music ministers for 3 of them. It just didn't feel right. It didn't work. It was our plan, but it wasn't right. It wasn't His plan. We had to decline and found ourselves in a bit of a downward spiral of emotion. Alas, being in Dallas has been a blessing. Abundantly!  We always had food, lights, and even got a newer car in the process. God quadrupled our income (don't worry, we started out VERY skim so we weren't wealthy by any means! Just imagine: I had a $1 and now we had $4) haha) I had a GREAT job for nearly three years.  I enjoyed the feeling that I was making a contribution to society and not just doing something pointless with myself. My husband finished his Bachelor's degree too. I felt that God truly opened the doors for us. We followed through all the doors He opened. He had some doors bolted closed too. Very tightly. Then, our income was snapped in half suddenly this year. 

Backtracking a little, we stumbled upon New Life. We were very encouraged that there are STILL churches that worship and have a pastor that tells it like it is. We felt safe. A place to gather our bearings and transition to what He wanted. We quickly realized, it's not about our plans. Humility is a big, big word in my life. I have learned so much about myself, about God and about love in the last three years that I could never express it fully.  When your plans crash down in front of you, you feel like you're worthless. It is an unsettling fear. Living in that fear produces nothing but more confusion and turmoil.When you're transparent with yourself, with others and with God, everything becomes enlightening. Quickly, I learned that I had to muster every ounce of faith I could grasp and move on with life. There was more to come.

When we got to New Life, we were so thankful to be included - such a faith builder! Here, I have walked a journey that I never imagined I'd walk. I've gone to places in God I never imagined I'd go. I learned that prayer is so much more than what I thought it was. My friendship with God turned into a full-blown love relationship. All of this happened after we relinquished our plans to His hand. Now, I know for some of the super-dee-duper spiritual warriors, you're thinking Well duh, you should have known that! Yeah, maybe. But we had to learn it this way for some reason. And that's really ok with me. :)

Three years later, here we are. We found ourselves seeking deeply for His will. Fasting and praying longer and deeper than ever. (I don't say these things to promote our spirituality AT ALL, it's just our reality.) We knew "the cloud" was lifting and it was time to get serious. We stretched far and wide. We needed to find out what was next. My husband stretched as far as Alaska for answers. He applied for accounting jobs all over the country. Nothing. (Cricket chirps) We got a few invitations to assist in music ministry but something just didn't sit right. So we just sat back and said, Ok, God. It's all in your hands. You know our needs. You know the financial burden of those student loans are leering over our heads! You know .... You know .... Guide every step, every move, every breath! Just about the time we had let it all go - surprise! Brian had the mindset of just let go and let God and we realized that God had other plans. After about three interviews in Beaumont and a gazillion in other cities, we realized, Maybe God has other plans. We should stand still. When you don't know what to do - you STAND. So we stood.

Long story short, he got a call a few weeks ago about a job as an accountant at the exact place he had felt to apply. The first time he applied, he was turned down. We let it go. We stood. He got another call and they wanted to meet both of us. Now, when a company wants to meet family I place them on the top of quality in my list. If they judge your character by interaction with the ones you love - that is a BIG positive to me. We met them, they bought our lunch, and the interviewer told us she had prayed before hiring anyone. She said she had over 70 applicants (and many were much more qualified) but she couldn't shake the feeling of meeting Brian. She told us that when she met us, she knew it was right. We felt the exact same way. Can you tell me God doesn't have plans?!!! Wow. Surprise! Surprise! 

Brian accepted the offer and will be making EXACTLY the amount in order to cover student loan payments and PLUS a little more. There's no way we could have worked that out with our little planning schemes! Never in a million years. We are truly, truly humbled. I mean, just a few short years ago we had a plan to live in a beautiful, big city. But God's ways are not ours. On top of all the amazing things He's shown us, I will get to live very close to my parents and best friends. I couldn't have planned it better myself. I couldn't have imagined it all on my own. But I know the One in whom I have believed - He knows my name. He knows every step I take and He chose the steps for us to take. We are so happy to take those steps. It's complete joy to walk in His will. If only to walk in obedience, that is all I care to do. I am blessed beyond anything I could have ever dreamed. 

I couldn't thank the people I've met in Dallas enough for their friendship, love, compassion, sacrifice, time, prayer and concern. I have gained some of the best experiences I've ever known in my life. I've learned how to be a true Christian. I will bring this lesson, this life-changing lesson with me every step of the way. 

I love surprises!


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